

中目黒のhand made zakka shop
名前 ハイジ
住所 東京都 目黒区上目黒2-13-3 井内ビル2F
最寄り駅 中目黒駅(東横線・日比谷線・副都心線直通)
道順 中目黒駅 南改札より徒歩3分
電話番号 03-5722-3282
営業時間 営業時間 12:00〜18:00 時短OPEN
定休日  水曜
CLOSE Wednesday
メール メール→ heidi@k8.dion.ne.jp
netshop https://heidi-home.shop-pro.jp/
blog https://ameblo.jp/heidizakkashop/ 
English Heidi

second floor 2-13-3 Kamimeguro Megurocity Tokyo Japan

open 12:00〜18:00
Close Wed
The second floor of a building in a nostalgic shopping area in Nakameguro,
Heidi is a shop of handmade goods and handicraft materials.

Works with tastes made by artists line up and occasionally hold events and solo exhibitions.

Any clothes and buttons bought overseas, such as Northern Europe and Asia, are also available.

Handmade is interesting!
To feel Please come and visit us.

Heidi had kept it when the shopkeeper was a child
I got it from the name of the dog.